IV: Bridgett Comes Aboard

My husband and I have traveled in our RV for four years, mostly to Florida in the winter to escape the cold of Virginia. There are adventures all over the country on our horizon, we hope, once my husband retires in less than a year. We are newbies in the world of RV’s compared to most of the folk we have met in campgrounds who entertain and inform us about their sites, adventures, and mishaps on the road. I wonder sometimes if we will ever graduate.

This year, as a step in becoming seasoned RV’ers, we took one of our dogs along with us to our favorite RV resort in Naples, Florida. Bridgett is a little black German Schnauzer with a sweet disposition and a ready wag of her nubby tail. Unfortunately, she was recently diagnosed with diabetes, so she must be given two insulin injections a day. This was the impudence behind us leaving our younger, very yappy, schnauzer at home in my sister’s care. Also, I got hives just thinking about traveling with two dogs and one former Fighter Pilot, my husband, in an over-sized camper. One dog it would be, and new friends we would make!

I figured if the people I met weren’t so sure about me, they were going to love my dog. This is always the first step toward the sharing of stories in an RV park. A wag of the tail, a sniff, and a bark, but not a word about real hair color.

Sure enough, just one trek around the park with Bridgett, and I was in. While my pet checked her “pee-mail” in flowerbeds and fire hydrants, then turned to greet Welsh Terriers, Yorkies, poodles, labs, and mixtures of all with a bark and exuberant sniffing, folks on the other side of their leashes first cooed at her then smiled at me.

“How old is your dog?” What kind is it?” “She or he?” Finally, ”Where are you from? How long ‘r you stayin?” and I find myself with a handful of M&M’s, meeting people and hearing more delicious stories!