As the rising sun cast white rays through a silver sky, I was led to this Word as I tried to pray.
“When you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.” (Matthew 6:6)
Space is what I’ve seen. In towering cliffs, majestic mountains, endless horizons, carpets of prairie grass, and stratified canyons, the expanse of space is everywhere. Nothing formed in this wild land is too big to take up the space. There is always more beyond.
How does one go to a “room” here to pray and be with the Father? How could He see me in this sweeping landscape? South Dakota surely holds His creational secrets; mine are so insignificant. I am stunned by its vastness and feel very small. Can Almighty God who created this wild beauty even notice my plaintiff cry for His Presence?
“When I look at Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have set in place, what is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You care for him?” (Psalm 8: 3-4)
Yet, God the Creator of the universe is mindful of every detail big and small, even me as I try to find words to describe the grandeur He made by His Word alone. So I pray in the secret place of my soul thanking Him for showing me His Glory.
I feel the trembling joy – “See that which I created with my Holy utterance! Look deep into the flat, sprawling, rolling, jagged expanse of country you travel. Wonder, marvel, absorb, and inhale every inch. Worship Me! This journey has purpose – you must see what I show you. Open the eyes of your heart and ear of your soul to hear the Holy Spirit speak as He leads you in every place. It all came from my Word. Behold what the Invisible created. You will seek Me in this place and find Me. Pray and worship. Your “room” is now.”
Above needles of rock piercing the sky, beyond cavernous crags cut deep in the earth, and over mountains shadowing more mountains, I sense what John saw and wrote of in the Revelation –“The face of God is the sun shining in full strength.” In palpable stillness, prairie lands reach for eternity, whispering and waving peace beyond understanding. In the fullness of South Dakota there is an overpowering stillness. It would be fearsome if not for its majesty and the signature of its Creator.
“The dwelling place of God is with man.” (Revelation 21:3)
This is a glimpse of the Glory of God – His Word in reality too big, powerful, and wondrous to describe. No words here. Only worship.