Pain Teaches Praise



He inhabits the praises of people.” (Psalm 22:3)

“Bless the Lord, O my soul and all that is within me, bless His holy name!

Bless the Lord O my soul, and forget not His benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” (Psalm 103:1-5)

And Jesus lifted up His eyes and said, ‘Father, I thank You that You have heard me.’” (John 11:41)


        When the spasms abated like a retreating monster licking his chops, I laid on the bed whispering something like, “Jesus. Jesus. Thank You!” The praise was as natural as my breath and my heart knew Who to thank.

        I gazed around the bedroom with fresh appreciation for every familiar object – the dresser with necklaces hanging like tinsel from the lamp, my bedside table stacked with books of inspiration and comfort, and the window where a tree with sun-painted leaves reminded me it was still a summer day. Yet, it seemed I was in a holy place permeated with praise. Yes, God had been with me all along and now He brought me out of the pain into His peace where I could enjoy Him.

        “…even though I walk through the darkest valley … His rod and staff they comfort me…..” (Psalm 23:4,NIV)        

When pain strikes it is sometimes too hard to pray, let alone give thanks. “Thanks for what?” I’ve wondered in the heat of the battle. “What is the good in this and how can I endure it?”

Shaken and stressed in our suffering we want God’s rescue, not God Himself. But He knows what we need and only in His presence will we get it. There is a particular power in the praise that arises in the midst of distress.

Before Jesus called Lazarus from the grave where the man had been dead and bound in corpse cloths for three days, He thanked His Father for hearing Him. In the midst of great sorrow and weeping, Jesus, moved also, praised His Father for listening to Him. I love that Jesus, in His humanness wept as we weep. We, too, must know God always hears our cries. Through the Holy Spirit He pours praise into our souls. This praise was the power of Jesus that drew Lazarus from the grave and it is given to us as well when we give God praise in our suffering. Our praise reveals the Glory of God.

I believe when we trust God in the crucible of suffering, He peels from our soul all hindrances keeping us from Him. How sweet our trust is to God, for it was the same with His Son all the way to the Cross. In return He lavishes us with the refreshment of Living Water, the peacefulness of grace, and the holy power of praise.

In pain is the gift of Praise.